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Node Installation + Operation

Linux (Ubuntu) Instructions:

Step One


Step-One: Open MacOS Terminal

Here are the steps to open a terminal window on a Linux machine:

  1. Launch the application launcher by clicking on the “Activities” button (in the top left corner of the screen) or press the “Windows” key on your keyboard.
  2. Type “Terminal” in the search bar and press “Enter”. This will open a new terminal window.

Alternatively, depending on your Linux distribution and desktop environment, you can use one of the following methods to open a terminal window:

  • Using a keyboard shortcut: You can use a keyboard shortcut to open the terminal window. The default shortcut for many Linux distributions is “Ctrl + Alt + T”. If this doesn’t work, you can check your system settings to see what the keyboard shortcut is for your specific distribution.
  • Using a right-click: You can right-click on the desktop or on the taskbar and select “Open Terminal” or “Open Console”.
  • Using a command: You can open a terminal window using a command in the shell. Press “Ctrl + Alt + T” to open a new terminal window, then type “gnome-terminal” (or “xterm”, “konsole”, or “terminator”, depending on your system) and press “Enter”.

Once you have successfully opened the terminal window, you will see a command prompt where you can type commands and interact with the shell.

Step Two


Step-Two: Node Installation Script

Open a terminal window and paste the following commands. Replace


below with the username for your linux or Ubuntu computer:

  • sudo chown -R “{YOUR_UBUNTU_USERNAME}:” /usr/local/bin
  • sudo chown -R “{YOUR_UBUNTU_USERNAME}:” /etc/systemd/system

For AMD64 Machines (Intel) use:

bash <(wget -qO- -b pixll

For ARM64 Machines (M1 & M2 Macs) use:

bash <(wget -qO- -b pixll

You will then be prompted several times to enter your Ubuntu password.

If you get an error that the systemd service couldn’t restart, run this:

sudo systemctl start pixll

Step Three


Step-Three: Pixll Login

You will know your Pixll node is running when you are promted to enter your Pixll user name and password.

Enter your user name and password to login and activate your node license.

Step Four


Node Status

You may periodically want to check the operational status of your node.

In the terminal window, use the following command:

systemctl status pixll